Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chinese People Love Their Slippers

Ever wonder why there's always a pile of shoes near the front door of every Chinese person's house? Because Chinese people are totally in love with their slippers. They cannot be without them when at home. Wearing shoes are forbidden when in the house so everyone has a pair of slippers for lounging around at home. Our slippers always look something like this...

Tacky you say? but to us Chinese they are a thing of beauty and a source of comfort.

We always keep a few extra pairs around for guests because it would be totally wrong for a guest to wear shoes inside the house and yet it would be extremely awkward to have them walk around barefoot like a caveman. In fact, one time my mother went into a comatose state when we had to let a neighbor into our house with their shoes on because of a foot problem. Mom never invited him back. No wear slippers! No friend!

The Chinese go into panic mode when they can't find their slippers. They'll refuse to go anywhere until they find them. I've seen it happen with my own eyes. The rest of family starts elaborate search parties for the missing slippers. Flashlight. Infrared goggles. Bloodhounds. Forensic evidence. Private detectives. You name it and it's being use to hunt down the missing slippers.

The house could be on fire and we would not make a run for the door until our feet are wrapped around the precious precious comfort of our $3.99 slippers. Such attachment to slippers is not normal for the average American, but absolutely normal to us because Chinese people are totally in love with their slippers.

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