Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chinese People Love Their Ear Picks

Do you know what these things are?

If you're Chinese the answer should be 'yes'. If you're Chinese and the answer is 'no', start questioning your Chinese credentials. If you're not Chinese I feel sorry for you. Sorry enough to tell you what they are: ear picks, aka ear spoons, aka ear scoops.

I have at least one of these lying around every room in my house. Why? Because I'm Chinese and we Chinese love our ear picks.

In fact, just 30 minutes ago I whipped out one of these bamboo instruments of pleasure from my jean pocket, shoved it into my asian ear hole, and went digging for gold. Few minutes into pleasuring my hearing orifice I pulled out a big ball of gold. This ball of ear booger is so mesmerizing. I can't stop examining it. I put it under a magnifying glass. I examine every nook and cranny. I eventually decide to preserve it for my wife, kids, and future grandchildren to see.

That, my friend, is a (disturbing) example of why Chinese people love their ear picks.

Let me summarize. Chinese people love their ear picks because...

1. It feels damn good. Especially when the wife is spelunking your ear canals with one of these bamboo wonders

2. It is very satisfying when you strike gold. The best is when you go on a business trip for a week or so without your ear pick. Come home, grab the nearest one within your reach, and start digging. Guaranteed to find a golden ball of a keeper every time.

These cotton swabs are a waste of time...

Be Chinese...

Stick with the pick...

Just like this dude...

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